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SOS Helpline for Abused Women

The SOS telephone line 15900, is in use 24/7. Provides services mainly in Greek language but is also able to provide services in English.

The SOS line also refer women to the Women's Counseling Center or to other support services.

No official evaluation had been conducted yet (until June 2011). But in a Press release that was publicized the following data were available: During the first 8 months of its operation (11.3 – 11.11.2011 it received 2795 phone calls while during the period (11.3.2011 - 26.4.2012) it received 6063 calls and 37 emails.

This rapid increase of women calling in the SOS line (in a period of 5,5 months) is an indication that as this service is getting known to the public (via the awareness raising campaign “You are not the only one. You are not alone!”), more women are asking to receive its services.

The 81-83% (depending on the time period measured) of the women who called the SOS Helpline, requested was about cases of domestic violence with the perpatrator being their spouse or the intimate partner.

More details are available at the press release (pages 2 and 4), that can be found at: and at the 1st year's report (available at:

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